codie murray photography

Hey there! I'm Codie, I was born and raised in the great city of Canberra. I’m a lover of sunsets, beach strolls, coffee, and country music. I'm a wife & mama of two wildly beautiful boys, adventure seeker, farm girl, and someone who simply adores working with kids!

And I guess most would know me as a newborn & family photographer!

About 12 years ago, I stumbled upon photography and instantly fell in love. Since then, I've dedicated myself to mastering the craft with a particular interest in newborn and family photography. Along the way, I've not only sharpened my skills but also shared my knowledge and passion with other photographers through workshops and mentoring.

I find fulfilment in documenting all the milestones of life. Whether it's capturing the last months of carrying your baby, their first weeks after birth, or the precious moments that tell your family's story. I'm here for it all! 

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the photographer

Hi, I'm Codie! 




The newborn photos Codie took of our son are absolutely gorgeous. She captured our little man so perfectly. We’re thrilled with how the photos have turned out and can’t choose a favourite. Codie was so easy to work with, especially when our baby was determined to stay awake so he wouldn’t miss the fun! She settled him expertly and helped us pose really naturally. We had a great time. The photos were ready so quickly, too!

I am so beyond grateful for the beautiful images Codie Murray has produced for my family. I had newborn photos and returned for Santa and Mothers Day photos within the same year. Codie is very professional and makes us feel comfortable and relaxed. We will definitely return for more gorgeous photos!

Absolutely love Codies work!! Couldn’t wait to have another baby to book in with her. Plan to go back for all future milestones and family photos.
She is an amazing photographer and you will never feel more comfortable then with her! She’s magic.

Codie came highly recommended in many mums groups in Canberra and I can understand why. Her beautiful studio was a very welcoming environment and Codie's warmth and professionalism made getting pictures a wonderful experience. The photos at the end surpassed what I imagined (even after looking at her lovely images on her website).
She offers a lot of great options for capturing the special times in your life and I will 100% be using her again.

Codie is an amazing photographer with a great eye for attention to detail. Codie goes the extra mile to listen and create beautiful photos for every client she has. Codie has taken multiple family and maternity photos for my family. We have been overwhelmed with the amazing result of each. Codie loves what she does and is so down to earth and caring. 10/10 would recommend Codie. She is the best in the business.
